Stone Buddha, Travel the path Stone Buddha Alternate Realities from Tokyo, Japan. You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself, find yourself with Exedos. Based on a Buddha statue at a private shrine in Tokyo sitting on lotus flower located at...
The Fallen Angel The Fountain of the Fallen Angel, or The Fuente del Ángel Caído, is a monument and work of art located in the Retiro Park in Madrid, Spain. The statue that crowns the monument was created by Ricardo Bellver in 1877 in Rome and was inspired by verses...
The Hero’s of Dos de Mayo Tribute to the heroes who defended Madrid from the invaders. Where will we be if we don’t join forces and take care of our planet ? Back where we started, it’s time to unite as War is not the answer. This magnificent monument by Aniceto...
Bob Marley in the Metaverse Come and visit Bob in the metaverse. Featuring the original Bob Marley statue located at the Kingston stadium, in this reality it has been relocated to where it should rightfully be. Deep in the beautiful mountains of Jamaica surrounded by...